You will need to modify the $webcockpit/examples/<examplename>/config/config.xml before it the examples will run successfully.
The configuration file provided assumes that a specific MySQL schema is availible. You will have to modify the 'datasource' elements of the configuration file to point to a database schema which is availible and the user which connects has create and delete table priviledges.
<datasource id="dbCon1" description="This is just a description of the JNDI datasource1"> <parameter name="driverClassName" value="com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"/> <parameter name="url" value="jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/TESTDB"/> <parameter name="username" value="TEST"/> <parameter name="password" value="TEST"/> <parameter name="maxActive" value="1"/> <parameter name="maxWait" value="-1"/> <parameter name="maxIdle" value="1"/> </datasource>
Running 'ant build' in the $webcockpit/examples directory will create the example WebApplications. Check to see that the WebApplication archive ( $webcockpit/examples/<examplename>/<examplename>.war is created ).
Running 'ant deploy' in the $webcockpit/examples directory will create and deploy example WebApplications. ANT will try and deploy via Tomcat's Manager servlet. The default build.xml configuration assumes that the Tomcat manager user is 'admin', password 'admin', running on port 8888. You will need to configure your build script if your Tomcat installation differs.
<!-- Tomcat Manager --> <property name="tomcat.manager.url" value="http://localhost:8888/manager" /> <property name="tomcat.manager.username" value="admin" /> <property name="tomcat.manager.password" value="admin" />